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Strategy, sustainability and impacts


Sustainability is a fundamental choice for Vimi Fasteners and it is fully integrated into the Group’s Vision and strategies. It extends to Vimi’s supply chain and stakeholders.

Sustainability is a key factor to create long-term value for our stakeholders and our community and it represents an integral part of our way of doing business.

The vimi fasteners' Sustainability Report includes the disclosure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, along with the progress made toward achieving these objectives.

Lettera agli Stakeholder

Dear Stakeholders,

We are all aware that we live in a far from easy period of our modern history. Large-scale conflicts, geopolitical tensions with their repercussions on the supply of energy and raw materials, climate upheaval with its extreme manifestations, increasing inequalities, as well as the disruptive introduction of artificial intelligence with its risks and opportunities, are all issues that push us to rethink even more about the model of the future we want to pursue.

It is precisely in this context, full of uncertainties, that Vimi Fasteners wants to play a leading role with its values, its people, and more generally with all of you, in making, with renewed commitment and determination, its active contribution to a better future. Creating value, innovating, continuing to grow our business, increasing the quality of people's lives along with that of our products, having an active part in the development of the territory and our community, are the goals that guide the governance of our company.

Firma Sargenti

Marco Sargenti

CEO & General Manager


Once again, this year, the Economic and Financial Report and the Sustainability Report, issued on a voluntary basis, are concurrent, proving their indissolubility in representing all the group's achievements during the reporting period by introducing, to ESG policies, the newly acquired Filostamp as well.

In keeping our people always at the center of all our activities, last year, we carried out a survey about the climate of the organizational well-being of employees which showed a very encouraging result and provided insights into areas for improvement. There were no significant complaints on gender differences, the company is continuing to offer the option of smart working as well as an increased number of training hours available to all employees.

Our commitment to the territory and community support was strengthened with the purchase of 'Sustainability Credits' in favor of the National Park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, promoted liberal initiatives for socially useful and educational projects. We volunteered with a quick emergency response to restore flood-affected areas in the Romagna region.

Our commitment to environmental issues has also become stronger by increasing the percentage allocated to the recovery of waste emitted from our production cycle, the second photovoltaic plant has been activated, and we have reduced the energy intensity on our products, the amount of tCO2 emitted, and water consumption, thus reducing the footprint in the environment of our activities.

Thanks also to your support, we are proud of what we have achieved but we are also aware that this represents another starting point in the path we have decided to follow together to contribute to the improvement of people's lives, respecting the environment, respecting a smart use of resources while creating value and redistribution for all stakeholders.

Our Projects

Vimi Fasteners supports the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Biosphere Reserve 

Aware of the important role we play within the social and economic fabric, Vimi Fasteners has purchased the Sustainability Credits of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. This contributes to supporting the responsible management of forests by increasing the absorption of carbon dioxide, reducing hydrogeological instability, and creating a better home for a great number of animal and plant species.
It is a tangible commitment to the responsibility we have as a company to combat CO2 emissions. The Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Biosphere Reserve, recognized by UNESCO in 2015, is now the largest in Italy and extends over 80 municipalities in the provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Lucca, Massa Carrara and La Spezia.